We provide LASIK surgery consultation
A Vision Care Option That May Be Right for You
Tired of eyeglasses or contact lenses? Want a vision solution that will free you from having to wipe the smudges from your glasses, or clean and store your contacts carefully so that you don’t get an eye infection? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wake up in the morning and just … see?

LASIK surgery might be just what you’re looking for! Dr. Jay Chao and Dr. Alazigha Owei of Advanced Eyecare of Chino Optometry can provide consultation on LASIK surgery to ensure excellent outcomes. A few reasons for the popularity of LASIK include:
- It has a high rate of success (patients who undergo it usually get 20/25 vision or better).
- The procedure doesn’t take long.
- The recovery period is relatively short.
- Complications are rare.
- Side effects (like dry eyes or double vision) are short-term.
All About LASIK
LASIK stands for laser in-situ keratomileusis. That’s a long way of saying that it is a type of refractive eye surgery, one which reshapes the cornea to provide vision correction. LASIK can help people who are nearsighted or farsighted as well those who have astigmatism. With nearsightedness, or myopia, you can see nearby objects clearly but distant objects appear blurry. If you are farsighted, you experience the opposite. Astigmatism affects both near and distant vision, so your vision is blurry overall. LASIK may not be as effective if the nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism is severe.
LASIK is a good vision care option for people whose eyes are healthy. Those with conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, keratoconus, keratitis, presbyopia or dry eyes or who have eye injuries or unusually large pupils are not good candidates for this surgery. It is also important that the patient be in good overall health.